Flexible Working
you qualify and have caring responsibilities, you are entitled to request a
flexible working arrangement, on a permanent basis, in terms of changes to
hours, location and pattern of work, to enable you to care for a child or
To make an application you must be an employee with 26 weeks’ service and have not made an application for flexible working during the last 12 months.
To make an application for flexible working if you care for a child who is aged under 6, or if disabled, aged under 18, you need to be either the mother, father, partner or spouse of the child’s mother or father, adopter, guardian, special guardian (as appointed under the Children Act), foster parent or private foster carer and have responsibility for the upbringing of the child. Partner is defined as civil partner or a man or woman living together as if they were husband and wife.
To be entitled to make a request for a contract variation to care for an adult (aged 18 or over) who is in need of care, you must be caring for or expect to care for a spouse, partner, civil partner or relative. If the person does not fall into one of these categories, the adult in need of care has to live at the same address as the carer.
All requests for flexible working will be seriously considered, but there is no automatic right to be granted a request. The request must be made in writing specifying that it is for this purpose, what flexible pattern you are proposing, detailing how you think any adverse effect on the Company can be dealt with and how you meet the eligibility criteria.
You should be aware that if the Company accepts your proposal, this will normally mean a permanent change to terms and conditions. There is no statutory right to revert to the original working arrangements.
Any such request or further information on the procedure should be made to your immediate line Manager in the first instance. You also have a right of appeal against a decision to refuse your request.
You are also entitled to be accompanied at any meeting or appeal hearing by a companion who must be a fellow worker employed by the same employer.
To make an application you must be an employee with 26 weeks’ service and have not made an application for flexible working during the last 12 months.
To make an application for flexible working if you care for a child who is aged under 6, or if disabled, aged under 18, you need to be either the mother, father, partner or spouse of the child’s mother or father, adopter, guardian, special guardian (as appointed under the Children Act), foster parent or private foster carer and have responsibility for the upbringing of the child. Partner is defined as civil partner or a man or woman living together as if they were husband and wife.
To be entitled to make a request for a contract variation to care for an adult (aged 18 or over) who is in need of care, you must be caring for or expect to care for a spouse, partner, civil partner or relative. If the person does not fall into one of these categories, the adult in need of care has to live at the same address as the carer.
All requests for flexible working will be seriously considered, but there is no automatic right to be granted a request. The request must be made in writing specifying that it is for this purpose, what flexible pattern you are proposing, detailing how you think any adverse effect on the Company can be dealt with and how you meet the eligibility criteria.
You should be aware that if the Company accepts your proposal, this will normally mean a permanent change to terms and conditions. There is no statutory right to revert to the original working arrangements.
Any such request or further information on the procedure should be made to your immediate line Manager in the first instance. You also have a right of appeal against a decision to refuse your request.
You are also entitled to be accompanied at any meeting or appeal hearing by a companion who must be a fellow worker employed by the same employer.