Data Protection
The Data Protection Act 1998 is concerned with the processing of computerised and manual information about living individuals (personal data) and gives rights of access to the individuals who are the subject of that information. Further, the Act places certain obligations on the Company’s data user, in respect of the personal information it processes or causes to be processed on its behalf by third parties.
A data user must notify the Information Commissioner unless covered by the exclusions in the Act. Thus, the Company must complete a notification covering all personal data presently held, specifying:
Notification has to be updated as and when changes occur in any of the ‘registrable particulars’. The holding and processing of unnotified data, which is covered by the Act, is a criminal offence and is subject to unlimited fines. The Company, therefore, must operate within the terms of its notification.
You must:
Information Security
You must take the appropriate steps to guard against unauthorised access to, alteration, accidental loss, disclosure or destruction of data.
Under no circumstances should you divulge your password to anyone else nor should you gain access or attempt to gain access to information stored electronically which is beyond the scope of your authorised access level.
Computer Software
Because of potential virus infection and consequent damage to the business, you must not load any software into any computer via any source, including memory sticks, flash drives, or any portable memory devices, without the prior approval of management. Approval will only be given after virus checking.
Virus protection software is maintained and periodically updated.
Where necessary, you are required to re-boot your P.C. daily with the anti-virus software to ensure that no viruses are present.
Under no circumstances must you load games or free issue software onto Company equipment.
If a specific application programme is necessary for your work, then it will be purchased by the Company for your use.
You must not make ‘pirate’ copies of Company owned software for use by other persons either inside or outside the Company. This not only breaks Company rules, it is an illegal practice.
Failure to comply with any procedure will result in a disciplinary warning or dismissal, depending on the circumstances.
The Data Protection Act 1998 is concerned with the processing of computerised and manual information about living individuals (personal data) and gives rights of access to the individuals who are the subject of that information. Further, the Act places certain obligations on the Company’s data user, in respect of the personal information it processes or causes to be processed on its behalf by third parties.
A data user must notify the Information Commissioner unless covered by the exclusions in the Act. Thus, the Company must complete a notification covering all personal data presently held, specifying:
- A general description of security measures
- The purposes for which the data is used
- A description of the data and the data subjects
- The sources and disclosures applicable to the information comprising the data
- The countries outside the European Economic Area to which the data is transferred
- (overseas transfers)
Notification has to be updated as and when changes occur in any of the ‘registrable particulars’. The holding and processing of unnotified data, which is covered by the Act, is a criminal offence and is subject to unlimited fines. The Company, therefore, must operate within the terms of its notification.
You must:
- Not access, process or disclose any personal data other than is necessary, within the terms of the Company’s notification, to carry out the role for which you are employed; and
- Understand that any change in ‘purposes, description, sources, disclosures, overseas transfers’ of the personal data under your control may require an amendment to what has been notified
Information Security
You must take the appropriate steps to guard against unauthorised access to, alteration, accidental loss, disclosure or destruction of data.
Under no circumstances should you divulge your password to anyone else nor should you gain access or attempt to gain access to information stored electronically which is beyond the scope of your authorised access level.
Computer Software
Because of potential virus infection and consequent damage to the business, you must not load any software into any computer via any source, including memory sticks, flash drives, or any portable memory devices, without the prior approval of management. Approval will only be given after virus checking.
Virus protection software is maintained and periodically updated.
Where necessary, you are required to re-boot your P.C. daily with the anti-virus software to ensure that no viruses are present.
Under no circumstances must you load games or free issue software onto Company equipment.
If a specific application programme is necessary for your work, then it will be purchased by the Company for your use.
You must not make ‘pirate’ copies of Company owned software for use by other persons either inside or outside the Company. This not only breaks Company rules, it is an illegal practice.
Failure to comply with any procedure will result in a disciplinary warning or dismissal, depending on the circumstances.